Thursday, December 6, 2012

The White Beetle

 Hello everyone,
For my first blog entry I thought it would be a great idea to share an interesting dream that I experienced recently. I love the idea of posting dreams that I experience from time to time and feel it can inspire anyone to research the topic more. I find that keeping track of your dreams in a journal (I write mine down in my sketchbook) can help with dream recall and increase intuition. After doing this for a little over a year now I find myself experiencing multiple vivid dreams every night. I also find that my dream recall has been a tremendous boost for creativity. I feel everyone always asks themselves, just what are these experiences we call dreams? That's a question i'll have to discuss in a post in the near future. Alright now, onto the dream.

      This dream occured on the date of 11-11-12. I was at a retirement home with some friends that I have never met before and everyone looked like they were prepared to watch a film. The lights were lowered and a strong blue light was cast from the projection screen. An older gentleman approached me and told me that he likes my work with geometry and pyramids (not really sure what he meant by that). He said he wanted to show me something and the next thing I  knew I was descending into an older warehouse of a basement. It looked to be a busy place and was very dated, resembling a warehouse in the early 20th century. It was packed with wooden boxes and men wearing fedoras. He brought me into a nearby room to show me his collection of bats, which were living in cigar or shoe boxes. It was very strange but i'm assuming they were his pets? These bats were very obedient and easily perched on my hand when they were given to me. I could actually feel their claws on my hand. One bat in particular was very different than the rest. It had colors of blues, purples and deep rich tones. I noticed that this bat was wearing a small belt, which was a thin clear gauze type of  fabric. It seemed like it was there to keep it in the box. While I was examining this fabric a small white beetle fell out from under it. I couldn't tell if this beetle was real or not, but it was very beautiful in color and looked like a gemstone. Towards the end of the dream I was trying to find this older man once again but he seemed to have gone missing. I ran into one of the unidentified friends from earlier and he said that he was also trying to find him but couldn't.

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